Monday, August 29, 2011

I Took Pictures of My Caterpillars, Now What?

It is Monarch butterfly time across the district in which I teach. Teachers are taking digital photographs of their class caterpillars. Now what? In the following list of ideas, students will create various products while applying what they have learned!

Comic Life Deluxe (software)
(Mac Users Only) Did you know our district has a site license for version 1.5.5? Pictures are easily imported into a comic strip. Students can use captions and word bubbles to share what they learned or write a creative story. Perfect for the Six Traits of Writing skill "Voice".

Students will apply what they have learned about different stages of metamorphosis when they make the egg, caterpillar, chrysalis or butterfly talk about itself. An email is needed to make an account to save and share (students could all create/save/share under an account created by the teacher).

Upload photo(s) to the website. Students can add their voice over the photo, sharing facts about the caterpillar or butterfly in the photograph. There are many sharing options, including a given URL, email option or embed code. This site requires the teacher to set up an account.

Use this website to quickly upload a photograph and place text on top of it. Perfect for labeling parts! This can be shared easily with a given URL, saved as .jpg, or choose from many more options.

Make a trading card at Big Huge Labs
Photos are uploaded into a trading card. Add text and save. Then, it can be emailed or saved as a .jpg. How about a different trading card from each stage of development?


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